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St George Island Florida - February 2023

Kassie J Runyan

We spent 7 days on St. George Island in the panhandle of Florida. Snuck up near Apalachicola. We stayed in a beautiful rental that Kassie's amazing parents rented for a full month. We timed our visit perfectly to be able to see Kassie's Brother and Sister-in-Law, friends of Kassie's parents, and Rick's parents. We worked during the week days - but were able to enjoy the sunrise each morning and more! We explored the St,. George state park, ate too much food, drank (not enough) local beers and more, and spent so much time staring in the magical ocean.

Details and links:

What started as 40 from august to august has expanded to the start of 2023 to August 2024. Due to other people planning things that we want to join… before August 2023. This is the celebration of “omg Kassie survived 40 years - we never thought it would happen.” Maybe the next 40, I’ll be more careful so it won’t be so surprising. 40 “experiences” have to be #1 unique, #2 require the day and night in the location to count, #3 that’s it.

Originally from Iowa (Kassie) and Kansas (Rick), we met in Kansas in 2005 and immediately found that we had so much in common - including our desire to someday see the world. We now live in NYC and quickly started catching up on travel after our first (just us) international trip to Iceland in 2015. We decided to start making videos for us and our family/friends to track our travels. Kassie is in Marketing, an Author (see her poetry + author videos), and Puppet Creator. Rick is an Engineer and Script Writer (see our current and coming puppet movies!)

Kassie's Author Site:

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